
The effect of light on people

Besides the ability to see, the human eye is distinguished by another fundamental property: a third photoreceptor, which was only discovered by researchers in 2002. In addition to cones and rods, our eyes also have ganglion cells. Distributed over the retina, they are directly linked to a certain part of the brain and thus influence our biorhythm.

The part of the brain linked to the ganglion cells controls our ‘internal clock’ and, therefore, adjusts our bodies and metabolism to being active during the day and resting at night. Thus, light falling on our bodies affects our feeling of well-being, the sleep and wake rhythm and our hormone production.

Using advanced lighting technology, it is possible to simulate the natural pattern of daylight and achieve the same biological effect. Moreover, modern lighting technology contributes not only to improved physical performance and greater concentration but also to recovery phases.

